Schlagwort: (Circular business models)
Produktionskreisläufe schließen mit Circular Economy
Wie soll eine Circular Economy zu einer nachhaltigen Transformation gegenwärtiger Produktions- und Konsumsysteme beitragen? Welche Prinzipien lassen die Circular Economy momentan so populär und attraktiv erscheinen?
Weiterlesen … Produktionskreisläufe schließen mit Circular Economy
Wie entsteht Obsoleszenz?
Obsoleszenz = Kurzlebigkeit? Genau! Wir nutzen den Begriff Obsoleszenz, wenn wir von einer verkürzten Lebens- und Nutzungsdauer von Elektronikgeräten sprechen. Dabei müssen die Wechselwirkungen zwischen drei Faktoren berücksichtigt werden ...
Circular business models: Business approach as driver or obstructer of sustainability transitions?
In times of climate change, biodiversity loss, or growing natural resource scarcity, the circular business model (CBM) concept is increasingly attractive, promoting the reorganization of current value creation architectures and supply chains toward a sustainable system of production and consumption.
The article was published in the Journal of Cleaner Production 224 from page 361 till page 374.
Circular added value: business model design in the circular economy
This study is built upon a five-step systematic literature review methodology, which focused on circular economy, conventional as well as circular business model literature. The insights gained from the extensive literature analyses were used to redefine the logic, composition, elements, and potential element attributes of the Business Model Canvas in the context of circular economy.
The contribution was part of PLATE 2017– Product Lifetimes And The Environment.
Weiterlesen … Circular added value: business model design in the circular economy
Circular added value: business model design in the circular economy.
The current linear production and consumption structures, which build upon the intensive use of natural resources and cheap energy, are crucial drivers for the rapid economic development in the last sixty years. Biodiversity loss, climate change, conversion of the planet earth´s surface and resource depletion force researchers, policy-makers, business representatives, and consumers to think about alternative economic approaches and lifestyles. The circular economy concept has recently attracted increased attention from academic, political, and economic institutions.
Weiterlesen … Circular added value: business model design in the circular economy.