From quick fixes to repair projects: Insights from a citizen science project
Hielscher, S. & Jaeger-Erben, M. (2020) Erschienen in: Journal of Cleaner Production
Repair initiatives have attracted increasing attention as a potential source for addressing a variety of sustainability challenges. Less evident are social scientific analysis about people repairing objects at home. This paper aims to provide insights into how people, who come together to fix objects in repair initiatives perform domestic repair. It does this by drawing upon works within sociological theories of consumption and media studies that concern themselves with examining the performance of everyday routines and how people adapt, integrate, use and/or reject objects in everyday life.
The study was published in the Journal of Cleaner Production Volume 278. It can be accessed here .
- Audrey Kortenbeutel
- Bachelorarbeit
- Bauteile
- Circular business models
- Circular consumption
- Circular Economy
- Circular Literay
- Circular Society
- Citizen science
- Digitalisation
- Digitalisierung
- Durability
- Eduard Wagner
- Environment
- Environmental policy
- Explorative Datenanalyse
- Florian Hofmann
- Florian Leckert
- Functional unit
- Futures thinking
- geplante Obsoleszenz
- Geplanter Verschleiß
- Geschäftsmodelle
- Innovationsmanagement
- Jakob Zwiers
- Janis Winzer
- Klaus-Dieter Lang
- Konsum
- Konsumverhalten
- Kreislaufwirtschaft
- Kundenrezensionen
- Kurzlebige Technik
- Kurzlebigkeit
- Langlebigkeit
- Lebensdauer
- Lifetime
- Linear economy
- lineares Wirtschaftsmodell
- Lukas Sprengel
- Marina Proske
- Masterarbeit
- Max Marwede
- Melanie Jaeger-Erben
- Modularility
- Nachhaltige Produktentwicklung
- Nachhaltiger Konsum
- Nils F. Nissen
- Nils Nissen
- Nutzungsdauer
- Nutzungsintensität
- Obsolescence
- Obsoleszenz
- OHA-Texte
- Online Survey
- Perrine Chancerel
- Plate
- Praktiken
- Praxistheorien
- Produktkennzeichnung
- Produktlebensdauer
- Repair
- Repair Practices
- Repair shops
- Ressourcen
- Robert Maurer
- Smartphone
- Sozial-ökologische Krise
- sozial-ökologischen Transformation
- sozial-ökologische Schadschöpfung
- Soziale Innovation
- Soziale Praktiken
- Sustainability
- Tamina Hipp
- Text Mining
- Transdisciplinary
- Transformation
- Transformationsprozesse
- Transistor
- Use time
- Vivian Frick
- Waschmaschinen
- Wegwerfgesellschaft
- Wie hält`s länger
- Wirtschaft
- Wissenschaft
- Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit
- Ökologische Wende