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cover of the article Decreasing obsolescence with modular smartphones? – An interdisciplinary perspective on lifecycles

Decreasing obsolescence with modular smartphones? – An interdisciplinary perspective on lifecycles

Marina Proske, Melanie Jaeger-Erben (2019) Erschienen in: The Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 223, Pages 57-66

Smartphones offer a wide spectrum of features and functions, are subject to fast technological progress, and have short production and replacement cycles. Prolonging their use-times through modular design can have a significant effect on their environmental impact. This cannot be achieved solely by producing robust and durable devices, because smartphone use-times are closely linked to their functional performance and symbolic meaning. Modularity strategies change the technological principles of existing devices, but also the human-object relationship between users and their smartphones. 

The article was published in The Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 223, Pages 57-66. Parts of it can be accessed here .


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